
  • Greetz to everybody out there keeping up with us. This new year has kicked off with more energy. So much, I can’t hold it for myself. I want you to hear a song off my upcoming project, The Tune […]

  • Machen wrote a new post 6 years, 8 months ago

    Raw had a ton to follow up from the Rumble last night. Here are a few hits and misses.

    ● Braun Stroman continues to be booked perfectly; their hasn’t been a better booked man since Andre. M […]


                                  The Answer

    Today’s post is about teamwork. Running laps around online stream sites is becoming a regular thing for Jamal Gasol. This time, he passes the baton to fellow Buffalo e […]

  • New MastrrMix App

    Here is an ideal app for all types of musicians. Whether you produce, rap, sing or play live instruments, it’s for you. There is a worldwide selection of beats to choose from real producers. I […]

  • Machen wrote a new post 6 years, 9 months ago

    Tonight’s Raw from Memphis, TN has quite a few intriguing sub plots that will hopefully put the Royal Rumble in a few weeks more in focus. Surprisingly but shouldn’t be the top billing on WWE site is The […]

  • Here’s a fresh zip of that piff for you All Nighters. This type of music makes it easy to do what I do. This time the artists go over a  classic-vibe track. It’s not hard to see or hear John Creasy is next in […]

  • Starting the year off right with a new project from Jamal Gasol. Thee already viral mixtape is solely produced by Switzerlands own, Intifada Beats. As I listen, consistency does not go unnoticed. Mr Monday Night […]

  • Machen wrote a new post 6 years, 10 months ago

    Will return in 2018!!!! Heres a Christmas special

  • Got some fire for you today! More I hear from this artist, the better the songs get. Truly, hear MR. 31 coming into his own with this thunderous track by Eye Dee Beats. Watch the matching griddy visuals in the […]

  • This might be new to some. Unfortunately, the original post was lost, the talent still remains. Enjoy the production and rap skill from the guest appearance, of Eto. Dig how Jamal sits on his punches with this banger.

  • This one sounds special. Easy to hear the artist is having fun on the track. Despite the title, Gasol laughs at adversity. The personality shining through is a bit different from what we’re used to from him. […]

  • I really enjoy what I do. It’s so hard for me to get distracted by the music others complain about when I get blessed with joints like this.  Here I am writing about Jamal Gasol again, he recently dropped a […]

  • Machen wrote a new post 6 years, 10 months ago

    No matter what your position is on Race realationship in this country: there is zero doubt that it is a hot button issue for a lot of Americans, and I for one appreciate that someone with the […]

  • Machen wrote a new post 6 years, 10 months ago

    Ronda Rousey is reportedly closer than we think to starting her career with WWE.

    According to two sources speaking with USA Today, Rousey is finalizing details of her move to WWE. The two sources, who were […]

  • Machen wrote a new post 6 years, 10 months ago

    With Smack-down having a PPV a week from Sunday last night show  was definitely a steady paint by numbers show setting the stage for  story lines going into “Clash Of Champions”. Even with a complete line up […]

  • Machen wrote a new post 6 years, 10 months ago

    It’s amazing what a Title change can do for the overall feel to the show. AJ Styles as the top champion has brought an unexplainable energy to the show; it’s a foreign concept to WWE these days but when you […]

  • Machen wrote a new post 6 years, 10 months ago

    The Main Event of Raw felt Attitude Era style in both the good and bad ways; there was a significant amount of chaos surrounding it which lead to a decently somewhat surprising ending to the show. I personally […]

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