
  • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

    Smackdown Live will take place Tuesday night from Toronto , CA for the second night straight . It will be an interesting case study to see the differing reaction fans might give the show from night to night . My guess is Raw will be slightly better received because it’s the established brand , but SD does have a few heavy hitters such as Cena ,…[Read more]

  • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

    Brand New Tuesday tracks / tracked is ” Tone it down ” from Gucci Mane and Chris Brown . If your looking for the classic Gucci track this is it . Gucci strength is up tempo beats with a hard attitude that you can feel in the sound of the brass , triangle , triplet hi hats , loud kicks , snappy snares and low end 808 bass samples that are used when…[Read more]

  • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

    This Monday on Raw from Toronto , CA should be interesting . For one Canadian crowds always provide quite unique atmosphere for WWE televised events , a ton of examples come to mind , most noticeably ” Rock vs Hogan ” at Mania 18 one of the most remarkable reaction to a match you will ever see , go search it out if you have seen it . Hogan was the…[Read more]

  • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

    It’s Money Monday and Hall of fame duo Outcast is up with its 1996 track ” Elevators ” from the ” ATLiens ” LP . While I’m not going to sit here and type out all of their accomplishments just know it includes multiple Grammy awards , Triple Platinum albums , and Billboard number one singles . Elevator is quick capsule what they do best . Not…[Read more]

  • Nakamura is definitely talented and I’m big on diversity. Not so big on Jinder, I amcool with the Indian part. He is just dull, as you put. My intro was VS Gronk. I thought he looked awkward, no substance

    • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

      On August 20th, in Brooklyn, NY Shinsuke Nakamura will challenge Jinder Mahal for the WWE championship. I wish I could say I was excited but I’m not. How on Earth did we get to a point where I’m not excited about WWE championship match at “Summerslam”. When Nakamura was first rumored to be coming to WWE around January of 2016 all I herd was he was…[Read more]

      • Nakamura is definitely talented and I’m big on diversity. Not so big on Jinder, I amcool with the Indian part. He is just dull, as you put. My intro was VS Gronk. I thought he looked awkward, no substance

    • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

      Two of Miami most recognizable artist Trina and Trick Daddy are back at it again with the new single “Smooth Sailing”. The track is good enough, the beat is slow and has that down south feel the one you bump your head too with not a care in the world. The main basis I choose this record is to see the stark contrast between the two. Trick hasn’t…[Read more]

    • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

      Iconic & impactful is just a few words to describe The Fuges . Practically any social issues that’s you think is new they rap about it 1st . The level of success they reached in this country in the short amount of time is inspiring . Conventional there not but effective yes , The group recorded two albums-ones of which , The Score which was a…[Read more]

    • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

      I’m starting to notice a trend if you can’t beat them then join them . Fat Joe has seemed to fall into this trap kind of . Joes weakness has always been his ability to put together a substantial chorus that’s bringing the record together . With that being said he’s never had an issue making 1st impressions . His debut track has always made you…[Read more]

    • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago


      1) Sami Zayan loosing in a minute to Aiden English was interesting to say the least . While I’m not as big of fan of Sami as most I will concise that he deserves much better than the booking has given him .
      2 ) A women’s tag match did nothing to add intrigue the SS match . Why is Charlotte in no storyline right now . Becky might be…[Read more]

      • You know it’s trouble brewing when Shane is guest ref. Women have come far in wrestling, talent wise. Just can’t get past how fun it is to see two hot ones going at it

    • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

      Tonight Smackdown on U.S.A will take place from Cleveland , OH . Last week’s show was the most memorable in a few months . First of all we are getting a John Cena vs Nakamura match for the first time ever . For a lot of fans this is a dream match that we thought we would never see . Nakamura one of the best wrestlers in the world the last 15 years…[Read more]

    • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

      Exxxes is one of my favorite records of all time . This is a 5 star track and I don’t care what anyone says . The complexity of this track is unparalleled and rarely done . First of all a 4 verse record is tremendously infrequent because of the lofty amount of competence you must have . To put it bluntly 95% of his peers could not retain an…[Read more]

    • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

      HIT LIST

      ● Triple threat match between three of the competitors was good enough to satisfy the live crowd . The placing of it was noticeable having it at the end of the second hour and top of the third . It’s seeming WWE has resigned from the fact that the dreaded third hour is hemorrhaging viewers and would much rather have its title program i…[Read more]

    • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

      J Cole is the best illustration of artist who blends what everyone else is doing today mixed with what is always worked . His style reminds me of a young Nelly which I’m sure no J Cole fan wants to here . Go listen to early Nelly someone that understood the diversity you have to show to reach a certain level . Nelly could make you laugh , dance ,…[Read more]

    • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

      Raw will take place from Pittsburgh , PA tonight . The content of the show has been strong the last month and hopefully will continue . The main event is a Triple Threat match between Joe , Strowman , & Roman which is good enough to end a PPV . Since the main event of Summerslam just include one more competitor so it’s not as much as a giveaway as…[Read more]



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    • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

      The biggest party of the summer has arrived and the main event has been set. It will be current Universal Champion Brock Lesnar defending the title in a Fatal Four Way against Samoa Joe, Braun Strowman, & Roman Reings.
      Traditionally I’ve never been a fan of multiple people matches. For one it just doesn’t make much sense the champion can loose…[Read more]

      • Multi-matches were my favorite. Bedlams, Royale and Battle Royals always added excitement for me. Specially on the video games

    • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

      A decade plus in the music industry Neyo is better than he has ever been. R&B is the single genre that has gone through a insufficient change. A substantial amount of singing ability is what has always gotten you noticed and it still does. The art of writing your own music while can help is not required and yet there are very few acts who managed…[Read more]

    • Machen posted an update 7 years, 3 months ago

      Plottin is an unexpectedly shrewd track of a music industry that has moved towards mindless , dull , songs . Deezy , Turk , Kidd Kidd manage to do something that the majority of their peers refuse or can’t do . If you actually take the time and listen to the lyrics the song is something everyone has experienced . Loyalty has an expiration date…[Read more]

    • Machen posted an update 7 years, 3 months ago

      Lighthearted is the perfect word to describe the track of the day . If your looking for a combative consequential track THIS IS NOT IT ! That’s definitely fine with me , Macklemore history has pigeon holed him into the category where any other track would just be disingenuous . The beat is familiar and the lyrics are nothing to get animated over…[Read more]

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