
  • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

    The biggest party of the summer has arrived and the main event has been set. It will be current Universal Champion Brock Lesnar defending the title in a Fatal Four Way against Samoa Joe, Braun Strowman, & Roman Reings.
    Traditionally I’ve never been a fan of multiple people matches. For one it just doesn’t make much sense the champion can loose without loosing. I think in this situation it’s somewhat justified with the participants at hand.
    First, we have the champion Brock Lesnar a legitimate bad ass. His UFC credentials put him above 98% of the roster alone and it doesn’t hurt that his WWE career is hall of fame worthy has it is. Although this time last year Lesnar was floundering after a less than stellar program with Dean Ambrose. Then came his UFC bout with Mark Hunt which Lesnar won, but shortly after that was taken away due to a failed drug test followed with another blah program with Randy Orton. It seemed like Lesnar was loosing drawing power then insert Goldberg. That’s right believe it or not it was the 50-year-old extremely limited Bill Goldberg. The near 5-month program exceeded all expectations with surprisingly quick and smart entertainment matches that concluded with the Beast on top again. It didn’t stop there Lesnar recent program with Joe has established Lesnar has an important player again.
    That’s a perfect transition into Sama Joe the newest guy to the main roster. He’s far from a newbie more than 15 years in the business and trained in the same gym as John Cena. His 8 months on the roster has been booked well with very few losses on television and alliances with Triple H definitely helped. I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the best-booked program of 2017 Joe vs Lesnar which has spilled into Summerslam.This program has elevated Joe to true Main event status. He’s one of the very few who stood toe to toe with Lesnar and was not afraid to battle which is something WWE does not book many people to do in the ring with Lesnar. Joe’s progression will be a story to keep an eye on.
    This brings us to the monster among men Braun Strowman. This is by far the most shocking one of the bunch. Over a year ago Braun was a forgotten hand in the Wyatt Family. This has been one of Vince McMahon best big man build in decades. It really has been that good one year ago no one cared about Braun and now you can easily say he’s a top 5 star easily. He has one loss to memory he has been knocked down off his feet less than 5 times. He is the traditional big man in an era where work rate is at a premium. It’s proof that characters can still get over.
    Finally Roman Reigns what is there left to be said that hasn’t been said over the last 3 years. Seriously this is year 3 of this never ending experiment of making Roman the next Hogan, Rock, Austin,& most recently John Cena. If I go through his 3-year history of failures and miniature success it would take a whole another blog. I will say this year more than ever he’s closer to seeming like a mega star. With his awful but important match with the Undertaker at Mania, this year put him in position with a few more big matches to be at the top of the mountain.
    This is the 1st time in several years WWE has a multiple man match where everyone seems like they have a chance to win. This is just the 1st of many matches for this year biggest party of the summer. Get ready

    • Multi-matches were my favorite. Bedlams, Royale and Battle Royals always added excitement for me. Specially on the video games

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