
  • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago


    ● Triple threat match between three of the competitors was good enough to satisfy the live crowd . The placing of it was noticeable having it at the end of the second hour and top of the third . It’s seeming WWE has resigned from the fact that the dreaded third hour is hemorrhaging viewers and would much rather have its title program in front of the most eye balls . ● The opening show promo by Heyman was brilliant as expected the one unexpected quote from the promo was if Lesnar lost he would leave the WWE . For the casual fan this might add some suspense but it was more of a dog whistle comment for the fans that know of the Lesnar-Jones speculation . Only time will tell . ● The continued dynamic between ex shield members Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins is moving at steady pace . It’s a nice change of pace to see WWE tell a long term story over 3 years . The ex begging to be trusted is very relatable and the oldest stories that can be told in todays society . The next logical step their heading towards is a bout agains the tag champs at SS .


    ● The actual television shows main event was Big Show vs Big Cass was not good hence while it was saved until the end of the show . Big Show has been the designated hitter whenever Vince has a new big man to push . This was done with Eric Rowan and Strowman in the past so it’s very paint by numbers . ● The women’s division is a complete mess right now . There are only two bright/dem parts right now . Alexa Bliss has been the standout since her arrival on the main roster , Sasha Banks is probably the most popular character they have but it has nothing to do with her inconsistent booking . Baylee is the number one character and it seems like all everyone wants to see is Sasha turn on her . The does not boe well for one of your top female baby faces . ● Anything involving cruiserweight division is not even worth writing about . Two sentences will do it was boring and dull . ● Jason Jordan Miz TV segment was awkward to put it nicely . It was Jordan 1st big solo promo and it was a swing and a miss . There was a lot of difficulty for him projecting his voice and to come across as a big star . If his ultimate destinations are to be a heel it may not that big of a difference , but this was not good week 1 performance .

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