
  • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

    It’s Money Monday and Hall of fame duo Outcast is up with its 1996 track ” Elevators ” from the ” ATLiens ” LP . While I’m not going to sit here and type out all of their accomplishments just know it includes multiple Grammy awards , Triple Platinum albums , and Billboard number one singles . Elevator is quick capsule what they do best . Not relying on a catchy beat the strength of this record is Andre’s ability to bring you in a draw a picture about a struggle that so many Americans understand ” being broke ” . The chorus and the overall tone of the record tends to speak more to the urban community , but the overall brilliance about Outcast is that vibe subtle and not traceable . It’s far from the top of their hit list but the depth of this record understated . Enjoy

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