
  • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

    This Monday on Raw from Toronto , CA should be interesting . For one Canadian crowds always provide quite unique atmosphere for WWE televised events , a ton of examples come to mind , most noticeably ” Rock vs Hogan ” at Mania 18 one of the most remarkable reaction to a match you will ever see , go search it out if you have seen it . Hogan was the bad guy Rock a beloved good guy , but the crowd did not care that night and the legendary Hogan was too beloved not to be cheered , to be honest there numerous of factors that went into that , but that in a nutshell is the glowing reputation of Canadian crowds .” . Welcome too Bizarre world “used to be the catchphrase utter by the lead announcer at the top of every show to describe any Canadian city WWE was in . It was purposely hammered in the audience head at home this will not be the normal show . Bad guys tend to get cheered , good guys got booed , it was an once or twice a year . So it was no big deal and always fun to watch . In a vastly different media atmosphere the industry leaders have had to deal more frequently with that type of scrutiny in a variety of different markets around the country thanks in large part due to social media and their own stupid booking over the years . No longer is Canada ” Bizarre Land ” it’s just another passionate arena of fans vocalizing their feelings on the product good or bad . Now make no mistake Canada is still being one of the loudest , passionate , and smartest crowds WWE gets to perform in front of all year long , which hopefully means Vince will put out on a stellar show tonight . The big match that is being advertised is Braun Strowman vs Roman Reings in a last man standing match . Why are we having this match ? Forget that they have already faced off in three PPV matches this year , forget that this once again another big match given away on television with no real build , the biggest tragedy is neither one of these guys should be loosing going into SS . Simple logic booking suggests each of the competitors in matches that they can showcase a few of their moves and win . It seems so simple ! My assumption that this will be another way to give the chosen one (Roman ) another big victory especially since Braun has won the last two bouts . The stipulations of last man standing will be designed to protect Braun because he won’t suffer an pinfall loss . Only in WWE is it better to get knocked out for ten seconds or more than your shoulders down for three . Hopefully Samoa Joe , last weeks unfortunate victim of Roman in the triple threat match will be put in a match this week designed for him too look strong and earn a big victory headed into the PPV . There isn’t anything else at the moment being advertised so it’s left to the imagination . One storyline that’s been done extremely well is the drama surrounding Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose . Last week’s inclusion of the ” Tag Champs ” in the mix I thought was intriguing and smart to do . Cesaro and Sheamus weren’t really doing anything of substance since their fued ended few weeks back with ” Team Extreme ” , so the timing works out for them to be really good foils for the ex shield members as they hopefully get on the same page . The Women and Cruserweight divisions are complete disasters right now . The Womens champ hasn’t touched a microphone in weeks , the number one contender acts and dresses like a 12 year old girl , and the most over female on the whole Raw roster goes on these mysterious hiatus off television . The Cruserweight Champion Neville is doing his best work , but no one seems to care because the Cruserweight division is failing , if I’m Neville I’m begging every chance I get me off the Titanic . I’m not sure what is going on with the Hardy Boyz or the rest of the division , while last week brawl was entertaining it provided no real clear direction . Jason Jordan continued push as Kurt Angle long lost son should be interesting . It’s week three so let’s see how the vocal Canadian smart fans take to his newfound push . Bray Wyatts pointless reddit and community theater lines towards Fin Balor I imagine will be full in affect . My bet the only interesting moment out of their entire program will be the SS entrances . Finally the follow up with Big Cass and Big Show has the potential to be good if they stop everything there doing now and have Enzo turn on Show ! Currently Enzo is the annoying little guy that brings his new big best friend to beat up his old best friend because he’s too incompetent to do it himself trust me that will grow tired fasts if it hasn’t already . , Let’s see what tonight brings us . Enjoy

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