
  • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

    Last night’s Raw definitely had its share of memorable moments , and I thought the show was good on a whole. The Canada crowd was a story last night as I predicted they would be . Some of the analysis of the lives crowd reaction is A sligtly overblown if you asked me , as I chronicle yesterday’s ; Canada crowds always march to the tune of their own beat and last night was no exception . Heyman and Lesnar kicking off the show on Miz TV was hot start to the show . Miz is tremendous utility talker for situations too hype matches that he’s not even involved in . Lesnar was good in taking Miz and Jobbers too suplex city and remind fans of his physically dominant style . Im Sure Vince McMahon isnt happy the crowd is outright rejecting Jason Jordan like this . Jordan isn’t helping himself with his performances so far , but he’s only a few years in the business , should be time for him to figure it out . Unexpected drama this week in the Womens division as Baylee suffered a shoulder injury taking her out the title match at SS . While the injury is unfortunate Baylee was flat as a character and the crowd Boo during her injury promo last night . So a pointless number contender match later and now Sasha Banks easily the most over female on Raw will be in the title match. Anyone happy to see a continuation of the Enzo-Cass feud ? I anticipate something next week to heat up a Summerslam rematch between Cass and Show . Now I have to take time to acknowledge something that was just blaring last night Booker T’s complete idiotic commentary . I’ve tried to hold back my criticism because he was one of my favorite as a kid , but last night was ridiculous . This was an exact quote from last night Booker then said : ” There’s no secret , Cesaro , I mean , he wishes to be a singles star right now and in a tag team position that’s a great thing , but he wants to be what Dean Ambrose once was .” . After some dead air , Graves said , ” I’m sitting here trying to decipher what just came out of your mouth . That sentence by Booker is disqualifying of being on the air . He just doesn’t make sense and isn’t contributing to anything . The Rollins-Ambrose dynamic took an interesting twist . After weeks of Rollins trying too earn back Ambrose trust ,Rollins came out to save Ambrose from a continuous beat dog at the hands to the tag champs . Following the save Ambrose stuck his fist out in the famous shield pose , but in a shocking twist it was Rollins who turned it down . The crowd was ready for a fist-bump there . There was a moment to be had there. I understand why the wait but last night could have been the moment . The main event had a pretty upredictable finish , with Joe getting involved and costing Reigns the match , and giving the choosen one Reigns another loss . The match itself was a satisfying Last Man Standing match other than the finish. Raw was very newsworthy and defnitely worth the time to watch various segments this week

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