
  • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago

    Raw will take place from Pittsburgh , PA tonight . The content of the show has been strong the last month and hopefully will continue . The main event is a Triple Threat match between Joe , Strowman , & Roman which is good enough to end a PPV . Since the main event of Summerslam just include one more competitor so it’s not as much as a giveaway as much as it a sample . Other big story lines to follow are will they get or will they not get back together former Shield members Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins . Take a moment to enjoy something rare in WWE long term story telling . Last week Baylee earned a title shot at Alexa Bliss Title, that on its face is not that compelling but the potential for Sasha Banks (Baylee best friend ) turning on her does make this something to keep an eye on . The last big storyline is Jason Jordan being Kurt Angle son . While no one believes this at all , it may lead to the creation of another star in Jason Jordan if it turns out that this is some big conspiracy that HHH and Stephanie are part of then it could be interesting . Only time will tell to see if this angle will stick no pun intended . Enjoy Raw

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