
  • Machen posted an update 7 years, 2 months ago


    1) Sami Zayan loosing in a minute to Aiden English was interesting to say the least . While I’m not as big of fan of Sami as most I will concise that he deserves much better than the booking has given him .
    2 ) A women’s tag match did nothing to add intrigue the SS match . Why is Charlotte in no storyline right now . Becky might be doing something with UFC with Cyborg that could help but I doubt they’ll get it done .

    1)Nakamura- Cena was good enough but very little build during show to tell you why this a dream match . No promos or video packages just WWE several times saying ” first time dream match ” . The match started with 15 minutes left in the show & had a commercial break , doesn’t feel very special to me . With all that said Nakamura pin the franchise clean in the middle of the ring 1-2-3 . That’s a big deal in WWE but I find myself conflicted on the matter , Cena has done a number of clean jobs over the last few years and granted they been to deserving talent but the more you continue to do it feels less and less special . , Let’s see where Nakamura takes this momentum into his SS match with Jinder which just feels like a step down from the Franchise .

    2)The best match of the night was the opening contest between Styles & Owens . Much better than their last few outings but a Dusty finish means this never-ending fued will continue into SS . After the match Owens tirade was fantastic & a thing of beauty he is really good at just being an obnoxious jerk . It led to the rematch with a twist Shane McMahon as guest referee . This makes sense WWE has been building tension between Shane & Owens for a little bit now . So I can see this leading to a controversial finish and future match between the two .

    3) Once again Chad Gable had a stand out match . This week Rusev was the foe Gable has tasted defeat in all these contest but has shown a lot of future star ability . The major story was after the match Rusev cut a promo about there being no competition for him in WWE Randy Orton . While I think for some this did not seem very newsworthy , but I found it very exciting . Orton-Rusev is a fresh match up & one I think is best for Orton . Not at the top of the card but elevating a future heel in Rusev . Orton promos have been much better as of late , & Rusev is a proven hand in the ring and a very good foil on the microphone for his opponents . This is one of the secondary stories I will be keeping an eye on .

    • You know it’s trouble brewing when Shane is guest ref. Women have come far in wrestling, talent wise. Just can’t get past how fun it is to see two hot ones going at it

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