Raw Review(8/29/2017)

I thought the opening segment was good quick and to the point, which I would like to see more Raws start off. Jeff Hardy winning the battle royal of jobbers I think is the perfect use of the Nostalgia act, especially considering The Broken Gimmick doesn't seem like it will happen.

Watching Enzo in a Cruiserweight match felt pointless and waste. For once he didn't completely embarrass himself in the ring, but regardless his strength lies in  talking. I wish WWE could have found better use for the him, but it did make me watch a cruiserweight match so there's that.

I thought Heyman's promo was good as usual, solid build to match that doesn't need much. While I'll never tell anyone how to spend their money, but It does seem like a waste to have a Lesnar appearance where all he does is stand there and says one sentence. That same Promo could have just been Paul by himself.

I have to imagine WWE could have chosen a better instance for the Cena-Reigns promo package; than right in the middle of entrances between Cesaro-Rollins. No better way to feel irrelevant than to have a video that has absolutely nothing  to do with you. Having 2 singles matches back to back with 4 guys we've seen battle for over a month now seems like a low point of the show. What a difference a few weeks; make this went from the most exciting storyline to blah. Most of that can be attributed to the fact ever since Dean-Seth reunited they just been on cruise control. Each one of teams picking up a victory definition 50/50 booking. You wonder why no one is over?

Emma won great.

So WWE is really blowing its load super early and I have no idea why. Not only are they giving away Lesnar-Strowman at No Mercy, but also Cena-Reigns on the same card. Why Vince sees tremendous value in September PPVs all of sudden is beyond me, and when was this match made? They made no mention of it last week and tonight boom contact singing! What? I can't help but laugh at WWE'S lethargic attempt at storytelling at times. Now as far as the actual contract signing it was one of the most compelling 15 minutes of WWE this year, but not for all the right reasons. If Vince's goal was for Cena to completely verbally dismantle Roman if front of millions of people: the mission complete. Honestly I was completely dumbfounded how Cena just took Roman across his knee and preceeded to beat him merciless in front of children. After Roman got off his knees and whipe the blood off his face, they had a ridiculous random tag match with a few jobbers. Again this was the most compelling but baffling 20 minutes of television.

When this was made the main event it was obvious the title switch was going to happen. Also Bliss earlier in the night reminding us that Banks has never successfully defended the title was also a tell. While I have no problem with Bliss has the Champ again but the post match angle would tend to indicate a lackluster proceeding fued. I wonder does WWE realize not that many people are into Nia Jax.

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