Next up in Marvel chest box is "Captain America" a story about Chris Rogers a man desperate to serve his country, but finds himself constantly rejected at every turn; that's until he comes across a mad German Scientists who possibly can help him live out his life time dream of becoming a solider. Chris Evans as the Sparkle Banner wearing solider turned out to be shrewd casting in the long run; his depiction of the Caps proficiency of eternally needing to do the right thing no matter how unwise or threatening the situation can be. It's a story that has been told in a million different ways; good guy wants to do something admiral and positive and help out all of mankind. However even with all of those caveats this film finds a unique original way to convey that story so it doesn't feel like a re run. Yes the movie does stick to some grown inducing superhero movie cliché, but very few and they end up fitting exemplary with the story, and strictly because of the character work that is done constantly during this film.
In Iron Man I complained about the un imaginative villain and felt it really brought down an other wise smartly done film. This outing in my opinion does not have the same pit falls; as the red skull is chilling, callous, along with elegant dialog. Hugo Weaving found a unique ability to draw genuine worry from me has he made me feel as an audience watcher every time he was on-screen that someone definitely had the potential to kick the bucket. Only thing I hesitate to fully embrace about the character is I felt his motivation were fully never explained and why he's looking to create so much pain could have helped fully developed him. Other stand outs in this movie include Tommy Lee Jones, Neal McDonough, Derek Luke, plus veteran Kenneth Choi to fill out an extremely impressive supporting Cast.
However the movie does seem to have a little bit of pacing issues; the 1st act like in most origin stories had a tendency to be a little plodding while trying to establish who and what Cap is all about. Then has movie carries on the story telling does happen at a much more rapid pace; which proved slightly more burdensome to keep up with certain plot points. But honestly these are all minute points in the overall film which was surprisingly really well done. Finishing up this movie is definitely a wonderful start to the franchise; the ending was a but jarring also enticing. I give Captain America 8/10.

Stanley Tucci plays Dr. Abraham Erskine in CAPTAIN AMERICA: THE FIRST AVENGER, from Paramount Pictures and Marvel Entertainment.
