Raw Women’s Champion Alexa Bliss vs Sasha Banks vs Nia Jax vs. Emma (Fatal 4-Way Match Preview

Im going to sound like a broken record, but the Fatal Four Way match at No Mercy build is has been ridiculously flawed from the start and has again shined a brighter light on some of the glaring issues that have been ailing the Womens division for quite a while now. My hope is that I'm not the only one  who is noticing the constant contradiction plus mind-boggling booking decisions.

Let's first start with the most perplexing competitor in this match Emma. No disrespect to the actual person playing Emma, but the fact that she is in a championship match in storyline is completely ridiculous and makes WWE just look foolish and insulting to anyone who watches their television show on a week to week basis who is over the age five. I haven't gone back and done a complete factual check the of the record books, but I'm 99% sure Emma has only won 1 actual match over the last year on television maybe even longer. Yes I will admit the booking team has not done her any favors since her debut back 2014 with silly bubble gimmicks and Satino comedy, but she's just hasn't done anything to stand out to me or get over with an audience despite the bad booking; which unfortunately talent just has to do sometimes, and Emma just hasn't gotten it done. I do not think she will win this match; honestly think she was put in this match to take the pin.

Next up is Sasha Banks a former 4  time Womens Champ who is this matches best overall performer easily. Banks also has become extremely popular with a sizable portion of the fans now and should be treated like a legit contender who has a chance to win her title back, but no "The Boss" really isn't being picked by anyone to win this nor should you; WWE really has shown a complete lack of urgency with pushing her as of late and since it's was purposely pointed out several times a few weeks ago when Sasha was defending her newly won title that The Boss has never once successfully defended that title; that  would indicate to me she is not a legit option to win it back here.

The wildcard in all of this of course is Nia Jax who has obviously worked pretty damn hard to get better in the ring and at her general presentation over the last year or so, and let's face it with her overall size plus her being  member of a legendary wrestling family; she's going to get her  opportunities. However I have found the last several weeks of the booking of her character mind-boggling and darn right confusing. I have no idea if she's a face or heel anymore; I don't know when it was established Nia and Bliss were ever real best friends anyway, and why the hell would you book a backstage segment with just the two of them just having a casual conversation just 2 weeks after the so call turn. I honestly can't make sense of it; but she's obviously high on WWE priorities list so it always possible they put do the strap on her.

Finally The Champion Alexa Bliss; who I have the least amount of gripes with her booking. Most times Bliss has been given any chance to leave an imprint on any talking segment on television she does quite well. Obviously there still need to be more improvements in the ring, but considering she's only been in the business for a few years she's definitely passable. She has the look; I suspect WWE will try to make her a Babyface sooner rather than later; she already receiving pretty positive  reception in most markets WWE goes too despite her playing a heel. Which leads me to my prediction is Bliss retaining; WWE has already played enough hot potato with that title. My strong recommend idea is just to keep it on her until it's time for the undefeated Asuka to make her way on Raw and then you tell that story.

Raw Tag Team Champions Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose vs Cesaro & Sheamus(Preview)

The tag team title rematch has significantly less appeal to it then when this program started. That should have been expected, but instead of the predictable title retain I have a sneaky feeling WWE might pull a fast one on us.

Since loosing at SS the former champs have been booked reasonably strong. The addition Gallows and Anderson over the past several weeks has given Sheamus-Cesaro a few opportunities to really look strong.

The possibility I feel that is still very much out there is heel turn by Ambrose. While there has been no hint on television that's a possibility, it's not implausible. If memory serves you correct there was absolutely no hint of Rollins turning on his partners few years back so this would fit. Also considering Vince has booked this show with a few big matches; would definitely not be surprising to see this twist happen.

Right now I don't have a strong feeling if WWE will go this rout,but I would definitely vote for it. It does have a few drawbacks; one being the fans have really enjoyed seeing the former Shield mates back together, and breaking up again could been seen as a slap in the face. I'm of the strong opinion that an Ambrose turn would significantly boost both men statuses tremendously; especially Ambrose. It took Rollins from the 3rd wheel too pretty quickly the top heel of the company for over a year. While Ambrose is solid as a top 5 babyface and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that fact,however in his early days in the company; he showed what a compelling, smart, sadistic heel he can be. So a program between these 2 just roles completely reversed than a few years back could make this upcoming Fall season one of the more interesting ones in some time.

Track Of The Day


"I'm seeing nothing but my dreams coming true while I'm staring at the world through my rear view" words that still hit home today almost 20 years later. 2 Pac who I consider the 2nd greatest of all time; biggest strength was no matter your age,gender,race, ect.....you can find something that relates to you and brings you into the song. Pac willingness to not hold back his opinion on m  any  subjects could have led to his untimely death; but also always created for a unique, well thought out single. Enjoy

Finn Bálor vs. Bray Wyatt(Preview)

Fin Balor will once again take on Bray Wyatt at No Mercy. This will be the 3rd match they would have had in as many months. This program has been booked completely backwards and makes very little since on the surface.
The why and how to this program  evening happening has been lost on me since the beginning.

I've already several times chronicled the bizarre and disappointing career of Bray so far. So I refuse to get into again, but just know he's had huge matches with Cena,Orton,Taker, and he's slightly more over than when he was when he hit the wwe scene 4 years ago. This program has the same issues that always follow Bray, his promos continually have zero meaning; you can insert anyone has his opponent; same promo same garbage. To make this one more unusual; Bray defeats Fin clean on Raw; then looses to the Demon at SS; then after that ask to take on Fin again because he can't beat the demon; What? This makes no sense and idiotic.

While I have no issues with the way WWE has booked Balor since his return, but a loss to Bray here would slow down his steady momentum. Surprisingly this never-ending fued has yet to hurt Fin,but it's time to  move him on to bigger and better things.

Who should win is obvious; Fin Balor should pin him 1-2-3, and never speak about Bray again.

WWE Cruiserweight Champion Neville vs. Enzo Amore(Preview)

The "Realest guy in the room" takes on the "King Of the cruiserweights" at No Mercy. Unfortunately that clever title will most likely be the most WWE will do to hype this match. A year later the cruiserweight division is no better off than as if it was never here. Weeks of 50/50 booking with 99% of the talent, plus not treating anyone like there a star has hurt this division from the very beginning.

Enzo entering the division few weeks back has led to a slight boost in overall interest, but the minute he steps in the ring it comically falls apart. Now wrestling history are full of top acts not being the most skilled, but Enzo performances in the ring barely pass for competent. It's not all lost; Enzo is definitely well above average on the mic, and more utilisation of that skill set would be ideal.

Neville has been a tremendous heel champion during his run; the division short comings are not on him. While he has been booked very strong when it comes to wins and losses, but you would never know because not one individual on WWE television really ever draws any attention to it. His portrayal of a serious mean underhand fighter has been one of the subtle highlights of Raw for months, but instantly the lack of creditability of anyone he faces brings the program down a notch.

Who wins and who should win are two different questions and answers.  Believe it or not I would put the title on Enzo; simply because it doesn't really matter, and for better or worse he's one of the few people who does get a reaction from casual fans. The more significant reason for change would be to get Neville out of the division. Yes a loss to Enzo could hurt, but elevating back to the main roster with his new edge and confidence can help out all involved. Now I do not forsee WWE taking this option, but instead just staying on the same fatal course. Enjoy!

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