Underrated Superstar returns

Raw Preview(8/28/17)

Tonight's Monday Night Raw comes from Memphis,TN; it should be fascinating to see the follow up too last week's show. WWE.com is only advertising the rematch for the Womens Championship, which has me suspicious that we might see a quick title change. It wouldn't be out of WWE's wheelhouse, it was just one year ago that Sasha Banks & Charlotte had a series of title changes on free television. So it would not be shocking too see the Old Man go back to that philosophy.

With nearly a month before the big Braun-Lesnar showdown no need to over think this one, just continue to book Braun has a monster, and keep Brock's appearances limited. One would think the next logical step for Ambrose & Rollins is to forward their program with the former champs, however there absence last week mixed with the introduction of the Hardys muddy up the waters a tad bit.

Finally the most intriguing follow up will be how does this crowd react to Cena-Roman interactions, last week hostel, informed Brooklyn crowd was predictable. This week not so much Memphis has a lot of wrestling history, and it share of knowledgeable fans, but it's not known for being a crowd that will take over your show. How Samoa Joe and Miz fit in this, I'm still not sure but I will sure be watching. Enjoy

Track Of The Day(Money Monday)

Money Monday will kick off with the icon Nas in "Money Is My B*****". It comes to no surprise that he was able to  take Money an inanimate object; and flip it into a desirable women that he's been chasing for quite some time. There aren't many better in telling this story. Enjoy

Asuka Relinquishes the NXT

WWE.com issued the following:

NXT Women’s Champion Asuka relinquished her title to NXT General Manager William Regal tonight at Full Sail University in Orlando, Fla. After her dominant performance and historic 500-plus day reign as NXT Women’s Champion, The Empress of Tomorrow looks to her future for new opportunities in WWE, though no specific details are known at this time. Her reign will officially end on the date that her historic announcement airs.








It was slightly disheartening to hear about the injury to NXT Womens Champ Asuka, but if there is a silver lining to this unfortunate news is that she will have to relinquish her title, but not lose it. Since Asuka is unbeaten this would be the ideal situation. Asuka has been of WWE most dominant protected Acts of all time; no matter what gender. She's has beaten everyone NXT has thrown at her, Baylee,Emma,Dana,Micke,Ember Moon, ect....., so it just makes sense once she returns to just head straight to the main roster. Each Brand could use her; if she goes to Raw Sasha Banks would be the most likely opponent. Smackdown Live could use her more, with fresh opponents like Natalya, Charlotte, and of course Becky Lynch. Either way the addition of Asuka should be interesting and hopefully good. Enjoy

Track Of The Day

Today Track of the Day "Southside Story" comes from Lloyd Banks. Banks has been a fixture for over 15 years, his success his widely attributed to his association with G-unit. Banks accomplishments  include a platinum album, and Mix-tape artist of the year. With someone with such a lyrical skill set, I believe it's fair to say Banks over his career he has underachieved. While yes Album sales aren't  the only barometer for success, but honestly ask yourself before today when was the last time you thought about Lloyd Banks. Either way "Southside Story" is from his debut album and all it turned out to be a just a  glimpse of greatness. Enjoy!

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