There are no fancy words or clever phrases. Another All Nighter has left Earth. I want to say some words for our sister, That Blessed Girl. Better known by her family as, Chenika Bowens. We met through the music. She heard about the articles I wrote for artist. I remember her polite introduction, then she sent me Snowy Nights a stand out single featuring Sam Poetry.
From then, we were cool. Convos about dieting, mostly and her old school musical influences. Occasionally, she would mention the pain or weakness dealing with illness. Still, Chenika was strong and always productive. I didn’t have the everyday communication with her, it still hurt when I found out she transitioned. It hurts typing this thinking about it. I thank the Lord I got to know her and witness her accomplish her musical goals. In a short period of time, her beats were in demand. The songs were in rotation. Peace and love to Chenika “That Blessed Girl” Bowens! May her soul rest eternally!