SmackDown Live YouTube Review

If you can get over the fact that Carmella is such an astonishing unbelievable physical threat to anyone over the age 5; the act which is limited does have minute value. She's a decent talker most nights, but the uniqueness to the act is having the rare male lackey Jameswoth taking the majority of the beatings and truly does give the act a bit indigenous. Asuka on the other once on top of the world; now truly a fallen Empress.




 I thought this was a massive successful debut for Sanity; it gave you just a tiny dose of what can make Sanity compelling. Their rare ability to have an legit horror element to their act is tremendous and excited too see how WWE messes them up eventually. Usos are great just don't Vince sees it has they've become the set up team for every new project.


 Ok a while this wasn't the two hour classic Raw put on few months back; this was a very good Gauntlet Match with a number of interesting sub points in them. I thought it was a good look for Big E just to be in the match and possibly seen in that light. Bryan and Joe just gave us a taste of what those guys can do together; however not a fan of the way the wrote Daniel out of the match or should I say who they used. The Bludgeon Brothers are not over in the slightest and yes extremely talented performers playing a ridiculous gimmick. Finally WWE is giving the appearance of pushing Rusev; if you ask me few months too late and nickel short; with recent victories over Bryan, Joe, and now Miz WWE wants us to forget countless months of poor mediocre booking letting us fans know "do not to waste your time on this guy" "Rusev Day what" ?, and now were to believe he's championship material. Sure why not this has been in their playbook since the beginning of time and going nowhere anytime soon. The shame in all this is Rusev is really talented and just a long line of mismanaged wrestlers who will never get over to their fullest potential. Happy Rusev Day 

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