Clock’N – Jamal Gasol Ft Conway

What It Sound Like?

Finally, the long-awaited street heater arrives for streaming. From the moment Mr 31 announced the upcoming song on Insta Gram, Piff-heads have been hungry for it. Myself included in that bunch. Who doesn't enjoy a good success story?

The list of big name features just keeps growing for Jamal Gasol. From dominant battle rappers to dominant bar slingerz. This time it's none other than the Machine himself, Conway of Griselda Records. I'm always a fan of the childhood films Gasol themes his covers on, but the song even doper! 

Two monsters on the track laced by the lethal  Camoflauge Monk bridge Buffalo with Niagara. That's how you get Dirty Waters, and how you get a sure hit. After selling out physical copies consecutively, you may now listen via Soon, fans will be able to purchase for $10. Get half off with the smart money on July 16th. Don't watch another pack sell out, get your copy. 

Until Then, Stream With The Link Below

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