Hourglass – Borvoe McMidnite

What It Sound Like?

It was such a busy weekend for music, I didn't even catch the Leo Santa Cruz match. At least I could pull up the  replay. Kids have no clue what  it was  like before  that  capability. If you  missed something  on television,  you missed it. As  we  speak  of  that  era,  I  got  an emcee with the glow  from that time period. 

Tonight we get those Bay Area vibes from a special  emcee, Borvoe  McMidnite.  I've  heard a  lot  about  San  Francisco, as well as Oakland. It's cool to get the game  from a native. An excellent beat selector, our audience will certainly dig the production  ΔMofNRP.  Wailing  sample and boom bap drums. What more can you  ask for?

Lyrics, of course! Yes, Borvoe has them. His bars have layers, full of depth. He Spits an open verse with no hook to a simlistic, effective video. The star and only cast member is dim-lit treatment by Ann Tien. Basically, making things easier to focus on the artist.

This is a positive tune with spiritual guidance. Peep the line, "My point was proven six times like David." Nice line that involves creativity  and  conscious.  Enjoy  the  clear delivery, words put  together  so nonchalant. Be  sure to spin this vid at YouTube and  share like it's  yours. Already a pick on the Sun Tzu list. 

Thanks for all the follows, comments, plus sharing you  have doing for  the  site.  I  deeply  appreciate  it.  I'm glad to be a service to the culture. I  keep the readers in my prayers, Most High praises! 

About Shotty SEO

1 Shot Spitune - Recording Artist, Podcast Host / Web Radio Personality, Author, Online Community Builder
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