This Week In WWE

Mondays Raw was filled with tons of expectations, and honestly there's no other way to say it "Swing and a miss". While the majority of the show was basic 101 booking, however the ending to the show was one of the worst I've seen in many years. If you didn't see it; then I have no idea how to even put what I saw in words. I shouldn't be shocked at all it's Survivor Series season and it's time for the random arbitrary battle between Raw & Smackdown, and it makes zero sense. This is the month were WWE tells you to forget about your favorite wrestlers normal attitude or moral compass, forget everything it's all about Red versus Blue; it's idiotic and embarrassing.
Smackdown Live was a better show overall, but still has the problem of random blue pride. The one good thing I will give credit for this week was the dueling promos between each "Brands Top Champion"; Paul was phenomenal as usual taking a very unusual approach buy essentially just burying Jinder. However I thought Jinder had a solid, believable, intense response; which I really enjoyed.


Track Of The Day

It's not often I go back to back with the same Artist, however with someone of Juelz Santana statue in the music industry plus the high regards I have for him; completely justified. Brand New Tuesdays track "Old things back Part 2" is just another phenomenal track in career that I feel goes largely unappreciated.

Track Of The Day

Money Monday" is all about setting the tone for week, Juelz Santana-Lil Wayne "Money Over Bitches" is exactly that a tone setter.

Track Of The Day

Since yesterday was impossible today will be a 2 for 1 special Track Of The Day; for some D Block doesn't carry the same significance it once did, but for me and many more D Block is truly the benchmark in rap. This especially factual for its 2 predominantly visible artist "Jadakiss & Styles P. Enjoy

Raw Quickview(10/17/17)

 Last night's Raw was all about The Shield, and hats off to WWE for just accomplishing and bringing the subtle aspects of the trio; by coming through the crowd with the old Shield music plus gear was a nice touch. The return of "The Big Red Machine" was very unexpected and fun to see, however my fear is the nostalgia feel will wear off sooner than later. Enzo continued heel push is at the very least has made the division a tad bit more watchable, but that's all. With this being the go home show for TLC this Sunday, I would give WWE a thumbs up; easy show to watch. Enjoy

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