Monday Night Raw Quickview(11-14-17)

Last night Raw was definitely one of the more exciting ones in awhile. First having the full reunion of The Shield was nice to see and there upcoming match with The New Day is expected to be a night stealer.

Paul Heyman & Brock Lesnar were tremendous as usual and it was blatantly obvious that as performers taking on AJ Styles as an opponent rather than Jinder Mahal is more creatively satisfying.My big final take home from Raw is that WWE is going all in for Raw versus Smackdown; bringing back part time wrestlers such as HHH,Kurt Angle and John Cena for this big match. My only fear is that the newer performers aren't hurt whenever their in the ring with the established stars buy over selling.

Track Of The Day

It's very difficult in the Rap genre to write about relationships in a way that doesn't get a certain amount of criticism, and well of course the Iconic Ludacris has always been able to pull this off with time after time. ENJOY! !


Chris Jericho Wakes Up The Wrestling World

Chris Jericho will have a non WWE match for the 1st time in 18 years and it does not come without  controversy. Y2J will take on Kenny Omega January 4th, 2018 in the Tokyo Dome in New Japan pro wrestling. Now I rarely cover anything besides WWE, but seeing Chris has been one of Vinces top guys to call when he needs an opponent; this news came up very shockingly.

So what's does this mean? Rumors are that WWE and Jericho are at odds for the moment, and I'm sure news of one their living legends going to work a competitor's Biggest event just made it worse.

Regardless if your a wrestling fan this will be a huge win; you'll have the Independents top draw Kenny Omega will draw more attention than he has ever before simply because of the name across from him. Now this isn't shocking pretty much the last 10 years of Jericho career has been leaving and coming back for storylines and opponents  that he finds creatively worthy or exciting. So of course after his last WWE run went very well, he's looking for another challenge and Kenny is the one.

Well let's see where this goes over the next 2 months. Will it cause WWE to retaliate which is definitely in their wheel house, will it cause WWE to not do business with Chris, or the most likely scenario is that Chris works New Japan one night only, then goes back to WWE in time for Mania season.


Track OF The Day(Money Monday)

Money Monday comes from my opinion a very under appreciate Artist Jeezy. A decade plus in the industry has lead Classic albums such as "Let's Get It: Thug Motivation 101," & The Recession; so there should be very little surprise that today's hit comes from the living legend.

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