Website Donations

What It sound Like?

I want to thank everyone for the encouragement along the way. As we  all know,  the internet  is ever advancing.  So, I'm grateful that I have  been able  to do my  part of entertaining you. It is just me  handling the  ins  and outs of RAN. Business owners are  aware of how that could be. 

I do want to improve the opportunities for fans and site members. I'm always looking for ways to expand, however it does cost. So, I ask that  you will please make donations where you could. If you are not able,  please share this  post  with  others.  I thank  you  for your  support!

Click To Donate

Hit The City

Ready to geek out?    I am!

The newest update from City Of Titans has MMO / RPG fans stuck to their keyboards. It's only a teaser, you could easily see much effort went into this video footage. Currently in Avatar Builder mode, the costumes and physics look better than some existing franchises.

It even talks about adjusting your character's powers after as you go on. I'm looking forward to the public release, got some toons in mind to create. If I made a rapper, would you try to battle him? Enough about me, check out this Missing Worlds Media update (teaser).

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