Mark Henry To Join 2018 WWE Hall Of Fame Class




Today WWE announced that "The World Strongest Man", Mark Henry, will be joining this year's Hall Of Fame Class of 2018. While Henry is definitely worthy of the consideration; it's a very hasty nomination considering he's been retired less than a year. The former "World Strongest Man" has been in the business since '96, and his very erratic career is undoubtedly worthy of reminiscence. The introductory portion of his career standing along names as Rock, Godfather, Farooq, D-Low Brown, and of course his frivolous relationship with the late Mae Young. Now, there are supposedly reserved reasons for such a below par push to start a career, but in 2008 Mark began to take his character in a much darker pathway which began to change the 400 pound's perception to long time WWE viewers. In late 2011, Henry went on a unparalleled run for him where Mark developed his most influential character the monster who put whoever stood in front of him in the "Hall OF Pain". During this run, WWE really went all in with Henry; out muscling  other WWE giants such as Kane, Big Show, and Sheamus. Then, when after leaving a "path of destruction" in story line; it was time for Henry to capture The World Title from mainstay Randy Orton for the first and only time. While his title run wasn't very extensive at all; it was proof that WWE spent 10 years misusing Henry's true main event talent but when it was Marks time to step up to the plate he knocked the ball out of the park every time. Although he never won the strap again, he continued to be pushed has a top guy, but sadly the next 2 years were unfortunately riddled with incomplete programs that could never seem to reach its peak potential due to several untimely injuries from Henry. However while there is an argument that this is way too soon, congratulations are in order for Sexual Chocolate

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