This Week In WWE

Well look at that SmackDown did it, manage to for the 1st times in months create a buzz. While no big fan of Shane McMahon; his opening show promo was fantastic and compelling. Hitting on personal notes that can really cut to the cord of a man; by mentioning his daddy issue and his family; very well done. The icing on the cake was the announcement that Vince McMahon will be on SD Live next week. I thought the main event between Orton-Nakamura was a really good television match; in fact one of the better Orton matches in years. Raw was also very notable with a well above average cage match between Show & Strowman, the continued build of Braun has become truly the story of the last year. I thought Roman & Cena promo exchange was much more dialed in, and actually gave the impression that both guys wanted to win a fight. Considering I think this approach of dog whistle and insider comments is the fallacious way to go, but I acknowledge that this program has a significant amount of steam behind it due to those facts. Either way there is a lot more to sick your teeth in but next will return to more in-depth analysis.

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