Hired Hand – 1 Shot Spitune x Necessary Beats

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Create Your Own Clout! – Brook Benrich

Finally Friday!

Today, we introduce a new artist to the All Nighters. I had the pleasure of listening to the recent project by Brook Benrich. CYOC is definitely a different sound. As far as style and content, not trying to sound like the rest. Despite the slight voice comparison to Harlem emcee Juelz Santana, the flow is completely different.

Like many rappers from that same era, Benrich attacks some powerful beats. They were full of percussion, well mixed and energetic. This artist stands on his own, mostly. There is a joint with fellow Brooklyn rapper and our featured artist, StarrBux. Gotta love the chemistry.

The big message I could rock with on this EP is independence. Brook does not shy away from telling you how he got it on his own. This will be fuel for the hustler or anyone in a fast-paced city.

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Create Your Own Clout!

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