All Is Fair – Jamal Gasol x Illah Dutch


What It Sound Like?

You know I'm excited about this new pack of Piff! This  one is a treat for the eyes, as well. From the hit album,  True Stories, we get to see Jamal Gasol in action. He chose a  pivotal  song to  release as a video, wise  selection.  The unforgettable  background from Illah  Dutch. Treatment  is done by NBU TV.  I feel the web series approach taken by the team.

With that said, you will want to know what happens in  the mini story.  Jamal put his  life  between  the  margins. All lines you could feel, many  cases are direct situations. He treats  his  videographers like his  producers. Gasol  mixes  up  the flavor  getting different  results. The dark, grim streets where the villains dwell.

Peep some shots from the back blocks. Viewers catch a short glimpse of the activity in the Dirty Waters. The symphonic vibe with minor vocals laying in the track create a serenade. On target for story telling. You know you're doing right when Paka adds your video. That's right, more than one major source to play it.

Get your infused popcorn and have one rolled up on stand by, it's a movie. I can't thank the supporters enough. Keep sharing the content. Blessings from the Most High! 

The Art Of The Sword – Robert Dinero x Postman L


What It Sound Like?

I hope all is well with my peoples. If not, we will cheer  you up with  music. The joint  I  have  for  you  sounds  like  a movie. That's how  dramatic the  track is. Of course,  one of you will tell me the sample is  from a film. We have a familiar face, as well as a new one. Creator of  this  monster  is  Robert  Dinero. He  introduces us to Postman L.

Hailing from Cape Town, South Africa, the emcee has a  lot to say. Everything is sharp about this tune. From title,  track, bars, even the artist's  voice is  edgy.  Though, Postman is from the eastern world, his Hip Hop  influence  is of  the East Coast (USA).  This is  bars  and reality, show and prove. If  you see the the translator avatar on our page, you'll see we're all about international links.

True teamwork on this tune. A very open instrumental, uncluttered for the emcee to be recognized, as well. The conscience of faith, and pen referral draw me in. The boom bap drums leave you with a soar neck. Let somebody see your purchase n the live feed at Bandcamp! Peace to all, the love has been real. Blessings  from the Most High!  


Hourglass – Borvoe McMidnite

What It Sound Like?

It was such a busy weekend for music, I didn't even catch the Leo Santa Cruz match. At least I could pull up the  replay. Kids have no clue what  it was  like before  that  capability. If you  missed something  on television,  you missed it. As  we  speak  of  that  era,  I  got  an emcee with the glow  from that time period. 

Tonight we get those Bay Area vibes from a special  emcee, Borvoe  McMidnite.  I've  heard a  lot  about  San  Francisco, as well as Oakland. It's cool to get the game  from a native. An excellent beat selector, our audience will certainly dig the production  ΔMofNRP.  Wailing  sample and boom bap drums. What more can you  ask for?

Lyrics, of course! Yes, Borvoe has them. His bars have layers, full of depth. He Spits an open verse with no hook to a simlistic, effective video. The star and only cast member is dim-lit treatment by Ann Tien. Basically, making things easier to focus on the artist.

This is a positive tune with spiritual guidance. Peep the line, "My point was proven six times like David." Nice line that involves creativity  and  conscious.  Enjoy  the  clear delivery, words put  together  so nonchalant. Be  sure to spin this vid at YouTube and  share like it's  yours. Already a pick on the Sun Tzu list. 

Thanks for all the follows, comments, plus sharing you  have doing for  the  site.  I  deeply  appreciate  it.  I'm glad to be a service to the culture. I  keep the readers in my prayers, Most High praises! 

Fascade – MindFrame x General Back Pain

What It Sound Like?

Got a slapper for you! Most of the submissions I receive  are right up my alley. Our crowd does all the filtering, it   seems. Remember  that  android of a  producer,  MindFrame?  Well, he hasn't punched out yet. While I'm  posting this,  I'm sure he  has more   lined up. The left  region IKINGman taps in with him for the slaughter. General Back Pain perfect candidate for this psychotic sound by the horns.

Everything he says is sick, this time he does it over an ill break. I admire the simple, strong chorus. No difficult syllables, nothing confusing. His point easily gets across with power statements. GBP reminds you of your boy from around the way, though verses are accented with upper class.

Continually, the underground makes bi-coastal moves without forced politics. It's organic how these smokers come together. Fascade is a tune to throw in the list of spins. No problems accessing it, available via all platforms. Do follow these hard working artists, share this, instead of random folly.

Thanks for the love from all supporters. There's nothing like the core riding with you! Got more on the way. Blessings from Yahweh!  

My Life In Black & White – Mr Cooper x Drum N’ Skillz

What It Sound Like?

You know t's about that time. Not for the homies, not for the stu. Time  to lay wifey down, accordingly. I think a message went  out to the  universe I was going typing about something smoother tonight. The ladies been more friendly to me. All jokes aside, this Trap N B wave has my spirit up. So, let's hear from the man that helped coin the sound, Mr Cooper.

 This EP is mini is compact with love. For the music, the subject of each tune, including  the reciprocal energy it sends out. Co-creator of the TNB production is DRUM N' SKILLZ, fellow West Palm Beach, FL native. He handles each percussive harmony. Not only do they vary from the generic radio songs, they also differ from one another.

All  I Want Is U has to make you think about that somebody. Coop is soulful as a ballad, his feature, TJ Valentine brings the youthful tone. The song becomes a ride in itself with a up and down tempo mixture. I Love Your Dress is an intimate treat for the ladies. It compliments who she is, what she does to maintain.

By any chance conversation is still going, those two should have shorty asking, "Who's that ."  If not, here's the deal closer. A song that has broke radio, as well as clubs. No Mercy could be played for more occasions than with your lover. The chorus and beat have a motivational effect for sports. Shows artistic character in the multi-dimensional artist. Let's not forget why we came, though. 

This is the new version of what we used to call slow jams. Bring back that feeling of  earning the company of that special lady. Lustful joints are played all over the place, this project puts love back in the music.

 Coop has a special guest appearance February 11th at Play House mondays. Another big event hosted by DJ EppsMing Lee celebrates her birthday, plus a cameo from Alce F the vibes are flowing though  the next morning. Get your copy of the album at any  platform and  come party .  Thanks  for  tuning in, God bless!


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